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According to the Florida Bar, here is a list of the lawyers practicing in Orlando, FL.

Lawyer Phone Address
John Meininger (407) 246-1585 PO Box 1946, Orlando, FL, 32802
Charles Franklin (407) 808-1435 PO Box 1987, Orlando, FL, 32802
Michael Stites (407) 883-2618 PO Box 1987, Orlando, FL, 32802
Dennis Moore (850) 445-5934 PO Box 2041, Orlando, FL, 32802
Whitney Burke (407) 894-5491 PO Box 2049, Orlando, FL, 32802
David Mallen (407) 648-5911 PO Box 2147, Orlando, FL, 32802
Tobe Lev (407) 422-1400 PO Box 2231, Orlando, FL, 32802
Francis Iennaco (407) 896-7444 PO Box 2245, Orlando, FL, 32802
Robert Marks (407) 843-7300 PO Box 2254, Orlando, FL, 32802
Kevin Smith (407) 843-7300 PO Box 2254, Orlando, FL, 32802
Wilfred Smith (321) 277-5954 PO Box 2254, Orlando, FL, 32802
John Meehan (407) 898-3050 PO Box 2406, Orlando, FL, 32802
Curtis Mendenhall (407) 702-5170 PO Box 2629, Orlando, FL, 32802
David Brennan (407) 893-7888 PO Box 2706, Orlando, FL, 32802
Dean Mosley (407) 649-7111 PO Box 2707, Orlando, FL, 32802
Kurt Spengler (407) 843-3939 PO Box 2753, Orlando, FL, 32802
Dean Sant (407) 898-4175 PO Box 2788, Orlando, FL, 32802
Ranier Munns (407) 425-1812 PO Box 2807, Orlando, FL, 32802
Ryan Munns (407) 578-9696 PO Box 2807, Orlando, FL, 32802
William Beckett (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Matthew Brenner (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Casey Cavanaugh (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
William Dymond (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Ahmad El-Gendi (407) 418-6383 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Michael Elsberry (407) 418-6240 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Richard Englebright (407) 418-6228 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Richard Fildes (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Thomas Francis (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Aaron Gorovitz (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
James Heekin (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Robert Higgins (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
James Hoctor (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Jonathan Huels (407) 418-6483 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Hal Kantor (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
James Kattelmann (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Joseph Lane (407) 418-6343 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Brian Lawrence (407) 418-6259 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Peter Lopez (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Samuel Lynch (407) 418-6461 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Irwin Mandelkern (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Timothy Manor (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Daniel McIntosh (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Matthew McMurtrey (407) 418-6274 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Harold McNeill (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Timothy Miedona (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Matthew O'Kane (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Nicholas Pope (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Shawn Rader (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
Peter Reinert (407) 418-6291 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802
John Ruffier (407) 843-4600 PO Box 2809, Orlando, FL, 32802

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